Saturday, 24 January 2009

Cystitis again and urologist

Was fine after having sex all week. Had sex on Thursday night. Did the probiotic-capsule-up-twat thing, but have now developed hot wee. Also, went to see urologist yesterday, and typically had no symptoms. He reckons I've had a sub-clinical infection which has been rumbling on. I've got to have an ultra-sound scan, and then go back to see him in twelve weeks time. In the meantime, he suggested cranberry capsules (been there, done that), and having sex with a full bladder so that properly flush it out afterwards. The bottom line is that there doesn't seem to be much he can do. There's the old antiobiotic after sex trick, but it seems like a bad idea (to him and me) because people end up getting immune to the antibiotic, and presumably it upsets the balance down there. He could also stretch my urethra, but only two thirds of people find any relief from that. I don't fancy it, quite frankly. Anyway, soreness isn't too bad right now. I'll keep you posted...

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