Monday 27 April 2009

The Lowdown

Well, I had a bad episode, took two Chinese capsules a day, had more acupuncture, and guess what? Things seem to have calmed right down. The other Magic Bullet is NO tea or coffee. And that really means NO tea. (If only I could continue to take my own good advice.) Even just two cups of Earl Grey a day makes things uncomfortable Down There. I'm trying to train myself to do without caffeine and only drink rooibos. Wish me luck.

Had another appointment with the urologist today too. He told me what I've known all along - they've no idea why some women get this and they've no idea what to do about it. Great. Good job the acupuncture and Chinese herbs are working, or else I'd be crawling up the wall.

Saturday 4 April 2009


Bad for your bladder, apparently.


Had sex yesterday morning. Woke up this morning with cystitis. Funny how you can feel it coming on - woke up with tender feeling in bladder and also urgent need to poo. Now have the shits, bladder hurting and pee burns. Have taken one of the Chinese herbal capsules (didn't take one last night) and a paracetamol. Am drinking a cup of hot water. Suppose could take one of salty sachets although don't feel very inclined. Hands very cold. Kidney area very cold and tender to touch. Food-wise got no idea what might have contributed. Had pancakes (wheat) with sugar on them yesterday, also had curry. Perhaps that didn't help?