Wednesday 1 December 2010


Things have been reasonably ok on the pee front recently. A couple of minor episodes that I failed to report on here. But not too bad at all. Today though, after some porn-watching-shagging sessions two days running, got that old burning feeling and the sensation of needing to shit. Taken two paracetamol, a salty sachet, some Chinese herbs, plenty of hot water with lemon, and currently cooking up some barley water. Wish me luck...

Friday 14 May 2010


Seem to be getting better - a bit up and down in the week - felt better on Wednesday, then worse again yesterday. But this morning definitely seems to have cleared up.

Tuesday 11 May 2010


The cystitis wore off a bit yesterday - as always, not thinking about it makes a huge difference to how much it hurts. But am now pretty sore. Drinking tea this morning was a dumb idea. Took some more Chinese bladder herbs. Just got to keep keeping on and wait for it to go :(

Monday 10 May 2010

Sore twat

My bits have been pretty sore recently. Feel really chafed, and can't manage penetrative sex more than once or twice a week. Not sure what's going on. Wondered if it was thrush, but have no other symptoms. Should perhaps go to doctors. Not particularly hopeful that they'll be able to do anything.

Small (hopefully) episode

Had some vigorous sex yesterday and this morning got the old twinges. Did the trick of putting a probiotic pill up my twat yesterday, so hopefully this is going to be ok. Drank some water, and some cystitis salt, and had some paracetamol and some Chinese herbs. So now we wait... Did have to dash out of aerobics like an idiot, as thought it was getting worse. It has calmed down a bit now though.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Things down there...

It's going ok, fingers crossed and touch wood. No serious flare-ups for a while. I am finding that the inside of my puff is really sore at the moment, so we're only having penetrative sex about once or twice a week. It hurts for about a day after having sex, and is much worse if I don't drink enough water. But it's not a bladder sort of pain. After having sex, I use a probiotic capsule as a pessary, which seems to help with the cystitis prevention, and with any thrush, which I suspect might have something to do with the soreness. It would be nice not to have to worry about these things all the time, but hey, I guess things are better than they were last year...

Monday 22 March 2010

Small cystitis episodes

After having sex, about twenty-four hours later, have a small bout of cystitis. Have taken to putting a probiotic capsule up my twat after sex, about once a week. It seems to help quite a lot. Guess bladder must still be a bit sensitive and easily irritated by booze, sex, cups of tea, etc.

Tuesday 23 February 2010


Had residual cystitis feeling for a few days after outbreak that then felt like thrush. Used a probiotic pill as a pessary and it cleared up. Had sex at the weekend (Sunday morning) after drinking alcohol. Was very sore afterwards and felt like getting cystitis again. Put another probiotic pill up twat, and touch wood, think I am ok now! Trying not to drink too much tea and coffee. Starting each day with hot water and lemon seems like a good thing.

Sunday 14 February 2010


Woke up to feeling of pressure in bladder and needing to poo. Sure enough, developed into a little bout of cystitis. Taken paracetamol, Chinese herbs, salty sachet. Drunk some water and some barley tea. Need to drink more water and less tea, methinks. Why has this developed? Not entirely clear. Think am more likely to get cystitis if me and the man (particularly) the man haven't washed first. But not exactly romantic is it? - Err, can you stop kissing me and wash your knob...

Thursday 28 January 2010


Argh. Bout of cystitis. Seemingly not brought on by shagging for once - think it is because was wearing tight crack-flossing pants and a pair of tight leggings. Bloody minefield! Oh yes, also have thrush. Need to sort that out, as that could be another reason for the cystitis...