Sunday 14 July 2013

More cystitis

Things been reasonably quiet on the bladder front - the odd small episodes, but nothing much to report. Then had threesome at the weekend. Got fingered harder than I normally like. Also had oral sex that harder than I normally like. Disruption to urethra resulted in a bout of cystitis. Not the most terrible bout, but not the bestest either. Treated with probiotics up puff and taken orally, lots of barley tea and water, and then some Chinese herbs, but only took one of those. Was feeling much better by Thursday/Friday. Then Saturday went for a rude party with friends, and threw booze, Mr. Beecham, and three shags into the mix. Burning sensation going into teeth and the shits now. Just boiling some barley tea and taking some Chinese herbs as we speak. Poo!...

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